How To Manage Oral Thrush From Babies To Adults


If you’re wondering how to deal with oral thrush, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll find everything you need to know about managing oral thrush – and we mean everything. From newborn to the elderly, we’ve covered the causes, symptoms and treatments of thrush – just pick your topic and read on!

Oral Thrush Treatment for Adult Men and Women

While oral thrush in adults is not too common, you may still get it fi you’ve got a weak immune system, or if your diet is lacking in probiotics. Depending on your medical history and your general health, there are many ways to cure thrush, from locally-applied gels or drops, to pills, or even home remedies.

If your infection looks more severe, you may want to look for specialist help sooner rather than later, especially if you experience symptoms such as intense mouth pain or difficulty swallowing.

Oral Thrush in Babies and Toddlers

Oral thrush is a common condition in babies, so you shouldn’t worry too much if your little one has it. While it will sometimes go away without treatment, using an anti-fungal gel or drops will treat the condition in due time. Remember to sterilize everything your baby’s mouth comes into contact with, so as to prevent repeated bouts of oral thrush.

Depending on the age of your baby, different types and doses of treatments are available. Newborn babies may not respond well to pills, while toddlers may get thrush as a result of a course of antibiotics, thus requiring more probiotics in their diet.

Thrush During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Pregnant and breastfeeding moms are particularly prone to yeast infections, including thrush. If you’ve got thrush during pregnancy or if you’re breastfeeding, your baby is likely to have thrush too if you’re feeding with direct contact to your nipple. You may want to treat your baby, too, to avoid repeated bouts of thrush.

The common treatment is anti-fungal gel such as Canesten, and home remedies are also pretty effective.

Oral Thrush in Children

Oral thrush in children is not a common, unless they’re suffering from an immune deficiency disease such as AIDS or cancer. If you make sure they keep their mouths clean and their diets balanced, you shouldn’t have any problems.

However, if they happen to get oral thrush, you should contact your doctor from the very first symptoms, as the treatment is easier the earlier it’s started. Follow your doctor’s instructions and your child should get rid of thrush in no time.

Oral Thrush in the Elderly

Caution is necessary if you’re a senior suffering from oral thrush. If you’re already suffering from other conditions and are taking medication for those, you may want to consult your doctor before deciding on the best thrush treatment.

However, there are safe ways to treat thrush even if you’re taking additional drugs, so your disease won’t bother you for too long if you start the treatment in due time.

As you can see, there’s plenty to know about thrush, and it’s crucial that you take action as soon as you notice the first symptoms. Our articles will get you right on the path to getting rid of oral thrush, whether you’re ninety or nine. Start reading and get healthy soon!