Is Your Oral Thrush Treatment Not Working? Read This!


Ughh, not again!

Another day waking up with a layer of white pasty stuff all over your tongue and mouth!

You would think these prescriptions would be enough to take care of this, right?

Sounds like you got a case of stubborn thrush.

While oral thrush is usually easily treated with nystatin or fluconazole, sometimes, it may not go away at all or come back as soon as you stop the treatment.

This may be a result of a number of factors including improper treatment administration, health conditions, or dietary circumstances, or a combination of them.

Improper treatment administration

Thrush medication comes with a leaflet that you should always read before starting the treatment.

Fluconazole- based pills such as Diflucan are commonly prescribed for thrush. The typical dose for adults and teenagers is 200 mg on the first day, followed by a two-week treatment of 100 mg per day. Skipping doses or taking too much may result in a fluconazole-resistant candida colony. As soon as you notice no improvement in your symptoms after a few days of using Fluconazole, contact your doctor for further investigations.

Nystatin oral solution is another common treatment. The typical dose is 1 ml of suspension 4 times a day. You should use a dropper to spread the solution evenly over the infected regions of your mouth. Swish your mouth thoroughly and keep the solution in your mouth for as long as possible before spitting it out or swallowing, depending on your doctor’s advice.

If possible, remember to use the solution after mealtimes, so as not to wash the solution off with food or drinks.

The typical treatment length is seven days, with an extra one or two days of usage before the symptoms have disappeared.

If, for some reason, the solution isn’t allowed to work on the infection – for instance, you might eat or drink soon after applying it – it won’t work. That’s why you have to make sure you give it enough action time before eating or drinking.

Health condition considerations

Patients suffering from AIDS, cancer, or diabetes, are particularly vulnerable to recurrent thrush infections. If you experience any of these conditions, you may require a different treatment, depending on any other treatments that you’re currently taking. Consulting your doctor is crucial.

With diabetes in particular, the constant high sugar blood level will continuously feed the candida colonies. Any topical treatment is simply going to clear the infection on the surface, but the white patches will appear as soon as you stop applying it. That’s why it may be more recommended to use essential oil or salt mouthwashes regularly – they’re better than nystatin or other lozenges for long term use.

Dietary considerations

yogurtThe main culprit when it comes to thrush is a fungus called candida albicans. Most of the people have it in their guts and mouths, but in some cases it grows out of proportion.

If this abnormal growth is a result of an imbalanced diet – high in sugar and yeasts, and low on probiotics – then it’s likely any thrush treatment will not kill the infection permanently.

What to do when your treatment just doesn’t work.

What you need to do in this case is adjust your diet so that it prevents candida colonies from growing. If you’ve taken steps to cut sugar and yeast from your diet or for some reason have not received prescription medication to eliminate your thrush, fear not there is some good news. It turns out there are some steps you can take to treat the overgrowth, right from the comfort of your own home.

Now you know that thrush is just a symptom of overgrowth from bacteria. (Not only in your mouth, but inside your body) It won’t go away unless you attack the source of the bacteria that causes thrush from multiple angles.

This includes, keeping the amount of bacteria colonizing your mouth to a minimum. For this, you may want to consider using an AYURVEDIC tongue scraper.


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This specific scraper is ideal because the copper material kills bacteria on contact. If you use a plastic scraper or steel material scraper, you risk re-colonizing the bacteria at a later time. Bacteria is known to live on steel and plastic surfaces for up to 6-8 hours! With copper, they die on contact within minutes! Because copper is the only surface metal with antibiotic properties.

Now that you have a proper way to control the bacteria in the mouth, you need to take something internally to keep the bacteria in check. Thrush occurs when the candida bacteria has grown out of control in proportion to other bacteria in the body. Luckily, you can reduce their numbers by introducing an internal cleansing protocol. This will help keep the bad candida bacteria from growing further and spreading to other parts of the body.

To kill off the yeast and bad internal bacteria, you want to consider buying an anti-fungal and anti-candidiasis supplement, like purely holistic candida cleanse.


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This will make it hard for the candidiasis bacteria (yeast) to survive in the body, thus lowering their numbers and giving good bacteria a chance to re-colonize your body.

And lastly, introducing more good bacteria to compete with candida (such as probiotics) is a major step you can take to help good bacteria re-colonize your body. Keeping the candida bacteria from causing problems and spreading to places it likes to grow, like your tongue and mouth.

Note: It’s recommend getting probiotics that are high in the variety of bacteria they introduce into the body, NOT just the “billion count” of bacteria they have per pill. It’s very easy to get fooled by products that advertise “billions” of bacteria. It’s better to have a variety of good bacteria fighting candida in the body, then a lot of just one bacteria. Otherwise, you’re trading one over growth for another. It’s the diversity of the bacteria that keep each other at bay. Not the amount!

We recommend products such as Renew Life probitiocs, which introduce up to 11 different species of good bacteria to fight candida.


11 Different Strains In One Pill!

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Using all of these methods in combination together is the best way to get rid of thrush quickly. You are resolving the surface and the internal symptoms that are causing thrush to appear by attacking thrush it at the source and introducing good bacteria along the way to help stabilize your bodies bacterial ecosystem.

So don’t panic, treating thrush is relatively easy in most cases. However, certain situations may require additional care, especially if you’re suffering from any other health conditions. Luckily, the above items can be found online without a prescription and shouldn’t affect you if you’re taking medication for additional conditions.
